Unlock the Power of Environment Variables: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a React Native Expo App with EAS Secrets
Image by Swahili - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Environment Variables: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a React Native Expo App with EAS Secrets

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Are you tired of hardcoding sensitive information in your React Native Expo app? Do you want to keep your API keys, database credentials, and other secrets safe and secure? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to build a React Native Expo app using environment variables from EAS secrets. Buckle up and get ready to elevate your app development game!

What are EAS Secrets and Why Do You Need Them?

EAS (Expo Application Services) secrets are a secure way to store and manage sensitive information in your Expo projects. By using EAS secrets, you can keep your API keys, database credentials, and other confidential data hidden from prying eyes. This approach ensures that your app remains secure, even when collaborating with team members or open-sourcing your code.

Benefits of Using EAS Secrets

  • Enhanced Security: Keep your sensitive information private and secure.
  • Faster Development: Focus on building your app without worrying about hardcoded secrets.
  • Easier Collaboration: Share your project with team members or open-source it without exposing sensitive data.

Setting Up EAS Secrets

Before we dive into building our React Native Expo app, let’s set up EAS secrets. Follow these simple steps:

  1. expo secrets:init – Initialize EAS secrets in your Expo project.
  2. expo secrets:set – Set a new secret with a name and value.
  3. expo secrets:list – Verify that your secret is set by listing all secrets in your project.

Creating a React Native Expo App with EAS Secrets

Now that we have our EAS secrets set up, let’s create a new React Native Expo app:

  npx expo init my-app
  cd my-app

Step 1: Install Required Dependencies

Install the required dependencies for our app:

  yarn add expo-constants
  yarn add react-native-dotenv

Step 2: Create a .env File

Create a new file named `.env` in the root of your project:

  touch .env

Add the following content to the `.env` file:


Replace `SECRET_API_KEY`, `SECRET_DB_USERNAME`, and `SECRET_DB_PASSWORD` with the actual names of your EAS secrets.

Step 3: Configure Expo Constants

In your `app.json` file, add the following configuration:

  "extra": {
    "env": {
      "API_KEY": "${API_KEY}",

Step 4: Use EAS Secrets in Your App

In your app’s code, import the `Constants` module from `expo-constants` and access your EAS secrets:

  import Constants from 'expo-constants';

  const apiKey = Constants.manifest.extra.env.API_KEY;
  const dbUsername = Constants.manifest.extra.env.DB_USERNAME;
  const dbPassword = Constants.manifest.extra.env.DB_PASSWORD;

Benefits of Using Environment Variables

By using environment variables, you can:

  • Separate Code from Configuration: Keep your code clean and focused on logic, while configuration is handled separately.
  • Easier Testing and Debugging: Switch between different environments and configurations with ease.
  • Improved Security: Keep sensitive information out of your codebase and reduce the risk of exposing secrets.


By following this comprehensive guide, you’ve learned how to build a React Native Expo app using environment variables from EAS secrets. You’ve taken the first step towards securing your app’s sensitive information and simplifying your development process.

Remember, EAS secrets and environment variables are powerful tools that can help you build more secure and maintainable apps. Take advantage of these features to elevate your app development game and keep your secrets safe!

Tip Description
Use different EAS secrets for different environments Keep your development, staging, and production environments separate and secure.
Use a secrets manager like Expo Secrets or AWS Secrets Manager Centrally manage and rotate your secrets for added security.

Happy building!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most pressing questions about building React Native Expo apps with env variables from eas secret!

What is eas secret, and how does it store env variables for my React Native Expo app?

EAS (Expo Application Services) secret is a secure way to store sensitive configuration variables, such as API keys or database credentials, for your React Native Expo app. You can store env variables as secrets in your EAS project, and they will be automatically synced to your app’s environment. This way, you can keep your sensitive data secure and easily switch between different environments, like dev, staging, or prod!

How do I configure my React Native Expo app to use env variables from eas secret?

To configure your app to use env variables from eas secret, you’ll need to install the `expo-cli` and `expo-eas` packages. Then, in your `app.json` file, add the `eas` section and specify the `secret` property with the ID of your eas secret. Finally, in your code, you can access the env variables using the `process.env` object. That’s it!

Can I use eas secret with a managed React Native Expo project?

Yes, you can use eas secret with a managed React Native Expo project. In fact, eas secret is designed to work seamlessly with managed projects. Just make sure to configure your `app.json` file as mentioned earlier, and you’re good to go! With eas secret, you can keep your env variables secure and easily switch between different environments, even in a managed project.

How do I handle errors when using env variables from eas secret in my React Native Expo app?

When using env variables from eas secret, errors can occur due to various reasons, such as invalid secret IDs or network connectivity issues. To handle errors, you can use the `expo-eas` package’s built-in error handling mechanisms. For example, you can use the `EAS.getError` method to catch and handle errors when retrieving env variables. Additionally, you can implement retry mechanisms or fallback values to ensure your app remains functional even in the event of errors.

What are the benefits of using eas secret to store env variables for my React Native Expo app?

By using eas secret to store env variables, you can enjoy several benefits, including improved security, easier environment switching, and simplified collaboration. With eas secret, you can keep your sensitive data secure and out of your codebase, reducing the risk of exposure. Plus, you can easily switch between different environments, like dev, staging, or prod, without having to update your code. And, with eas secret, you can easily share secrets with team members or collaborators, making it easier to work together on your React Native Expo app.

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