Solving the Problem in Running Xdebug Version 2 with PhpStorm: A Comprehensive Guide
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Solving the Problem in Running Xdebug Version 2 with PhpStorm: A Comprehensive Guide

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If you’re a developer who’s been-around-the-block a few times, you know how frustrating it can be when your trusty tools don’t play nice together. One such common issue is the problem in running Xdebug version 2 with PhpStorm. But fear not, dear reader, for this article is here to guide you through the troubleshooting process and get your debugging workflow up and running smoothly.

Before We Dive In…

For the uninitiated, Xdebug is a powerful debugging tool for PHP that allows you to step-through your code, inspect variables, and identify issues. PhpStorm, on the other hand, is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) that provides a comprehensive set of tools for coding, debugging, and testing. While both tools are incredibly powerful on their own, they can sometimes cause headaches when trying to get them to work together.

So, what’s the problem with running Xdebug version 2 with PhpStorm, you ask? Well, it’s quite simple really – Xdebug version 2 is an older version that’s no longer supported by PhpStorm. But don’t worry, we’ll show you how to overcome this obstacle and get Xdebug up and running with your favorite IDE.

Identifying the Problem

Before we begin, let’s identify the symptoms of the problem. If you’re experiencing any of the following issues, then this article is for you:

  • Xdebug is not connecting to PhpStorm.
  • Xdebug is not showing up in PhpStorm’s debugging settings.
  • Xdebug is not breaking at breakpoints set in PhpStorm.
  • Xdebug is causing PhpStorm to hang or crash.

These symptoms typically occur when trying to use Xdebug version 2 with PhpStorm, which doesn’t support this older version of the debugger. But don’t despair – we have a solution for you!

Upgrading to Xdebug Version 3

The simplest and most effective solution is to upgrade to Xdebug version 3, which is the latest and supported version of the debugger. Upgrading to version 3 will ensure that Xdebug works seamlessly with PhpStorm.

  1. Download the latest version of Xdebug from the official website:
  2. Follow the installation instructions for your specific operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
  3. Restart your web server and PhpStorm after installing Xdebug version 3.

By upgrading to Xdebug version 3, you’ll not only resolve the compatibility issues with PhpStorm, but you’ll also get access to the latest features and improvements.

Configuring Xdebug Version 3 for PhpStorm

Now that you’ve upgraded to Xdebug version 3, let’s configure it to work smoothly with PhpStorm. Follow these steps:


Make sure to update your `php.ini` file with the above configuration settings. These settings enable Xdebug, set the remote handler to DBGP, and configure the port and host settings.

Configuring PhpStorm for Xdebug

Now that Xdebug is configured, let’s set up PhpStorm to work with Xdebug. Follow these steps:

  1. Open PhpStorm and navigate to Settings (Preferences on Mac) by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Alt + S (Cmd + Shift + Alt + S on Mac).
  2. In the settings window, navigate to PHP > Debug > DBGp Proxy.
  3. Check the DBGp Proxy checkbox and set the IDE Key to PHPSTORM.
  4. Click Apply and then OK to save the changes.

By configuring PhpStorm for Xdebug, you’ll enable the IDE to communicate with the debugger and allow for seamless debugging.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even after upgrading to Xdebug version 3 and configuring PhpStorm, you might still encounter some issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Issue Solution
Xdebug is not connecting to PhpStorm. Check that Xdebug is correctly configured in your `php.ini` file and that the IDE key is set to `PHPSTORM`.
Xdebug is causing PhpStorm to hang or crash. Try disabling the `xdebug.remote_autostart` setting in your `php.ini` file or adjusting the `xdebug.max_children` setting.
Xdebug is not breaking at breakpoints set in PhpStorm. Ensure that the breakpoints are set correctly in PhpStorm and that the `xdebug.break_on_exception` setting is enabled in your `php.ini` file.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to resolve most common issues that arise when using Xdebug with PhpStorm.


In conclusion, the problem in running Xdebug version 2 with PhpStorm can be easily resolved by upgrading to Xdebug version 3 and configuring it to work with PhpStorm. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to overcome the compatibility issues and enjoy a seamless debugging experience with Xdebug and PhpStorm.

Remember, the key to resolving this issue is to upgrade to Xdebug version 3, configure it correctly, and set up PhpStorm to communicate with the debugger. With these steps, you’ll be well on your way to debugging like a pro!

Have any more questions or need further assistance? Feel free to ask in the comments below!

Bonus Tip:

Want to take your debugging skills to the next level? Try using Xdebug’s powerful features like xdebugProfiles to profile your code, xdebug.remote_connect_back to enable automatic debugging, and xdebug.idekey to customize your debugging experience.

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble getting Xdebug version 2 to work seamlessly with PhpStorm? You’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issues.

Why doesn’t Xdebug version 2 work with PhpStorm?

Xdebug version 2 is not compatible with PhpStorm because it uses an older protocol that’s not supported by the IDE. You need to upgrade to Xdebug version 3, which is compatible with PhpStorm.

How do I configure Xdebug version 2 to work with PhpStorm?

You can’t! As mentioned earlier, Xdebug version 2 is not compatible with PhpStorm. Instead, upgrade to Xdebug version 3 and follow the official configuration guide to set it up with PhpStorm.

What are the benefits of using Xdebug version 3 over version 2?

Xdebug version 3 offers several benefits, including improved performance, better error reporting, and enhanced debugging capabilities. It’s also compatible with PhpStorm, making it a no-brainer to upgrade!

Can I use Xdebug version 2 with an older version of PhpStorm?

It’s not recommended, but technically, yes, you can use Xdebug version 2 with older versions of PhpStorm (pre-2019.2). However, you’ll miss out on the benefits of Xdebug version 3 and may encounter compatibility issues.

How do I upgrade from Xdebug version 2 to version 3?

Upgrading is a breeze! Simply download and install the latest version of Xdebug from the official website, and follow the upgrade guide. You’ll be debugging like a pro with Xdebug version 3 in no time!